This is a 40 mile ride that starts innocently enough on a paved road but you had better enjoy the short journey as it heads off on the real path. Many of the latter roads are logging roads with active traffic. If you have ever had a VW Bug scare you while on your bike on a road in DM, try a fully loaded logging truck!

This is what 9-time racers Dee and Dave on the tandem along with first-timers Kim, Karolyn and Julie G faced on a beautiful fall day as they attacked the 40-mile course. While it can be deceptively beautiful the challenge should not be understated.
Or may be teammate Kim H put described it as only one whom road it can do:
"At the start gun 1700 riders rolled elbow-to-elbow past the cheers of the crowd lining the town of Hayward through Rosies's Field and onto the Berkie Ski Trail. Racers were treated to beautiful forest trails, breathtaking lake views, fast gravel forest roads, excruciating climbs, more cheering crowds, sweeping descents, giant mud puddles and even a band of heckling pirates bearing rum shots. The race finished 40 miles later at the Telemark Ski Lodge in Cable, WI." It has been stated that while in the 35-38 mile range many riders are thinking, "I will never do this again IF I manage to finish this." However, shortly after completing, the celebration with friends made it safe to plan to ride it again next year.

In the photo: Karolyn, Kim, Dee, Maria, Julie, Sally and Heather
The website for this race contains this course warning: "PLEASE NOTE: This map is intended for general directional purpose only and not detailed enough to use for orienteering in the woods. Always take along a compass, detailed maps and plenty of fluids when riding in the deep woods. The courses are off-road and on a variety of unmaintained trails. Riding hazards exist and extreme caution should be exercised when riding in the woods."
Warnings aside, the VeloRosa ladies and our favorite bike guy, Dave, conquered this challenge.
See the following blog for lots of pictures from this event!
Your roving race reporter,
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