With the women only being offered the choice of racing Cat1/2/3 or Cat 4 Lee was not discouraged by not having a Master's category (besides it seems she likes to race the 35+ instead of the 45+........a strange gal indeed!). She she donned her Miss Kitty outfit and left a lung somewhere on the course. As the only VeloRosa racer, she had great fan support. Thanks to the recent mountain bike clinic she even hopped the top barrier on the hill. The first time she hopped it, celebrated and promptly fell off of her bike. Not to be dissuaded by that, the next time she hopped it, and started to grind up the hill. Maria was kind enough to give her that last push over the top. By the next lap, her quads were burning. The crowd was yelling at her to hop it again. Not wanted to disappoint and truly being motivated by cheers, she hopped it again and this time Pete gave her the final lift over the hill. Could she do it one more time? On the final lap Lee was yelling that she was not going to hop it only to have Pete sit on the barrier. Would she run him over? Nope she gutted it out, got over the barrier and Pete took her the rest of the way.
Sunday brought out a few more racers with Erika taking on her first cyclocross race as the Crash Test Dummy. A very fitting outfit with plenty of padding.............just in case. She raced hard without crashing to finish 9th. A great showing for her first outing.
Julie G raced dressed as a real racer (Luann did not know that Julie owned a regular helmet or a kit!). Lee reverted back to her usual cyclocross racing style by enjoying the course. At one point Lee was seen giving hand-downs of Fireball,

Your Roving Race Reporter,