With bike racing season winding down, VeloRosa teammate Heather set off for her first half Ironman distance triathlon. On August 19, she ventured out to test her mettle at 1.2 mile swim, 56 mile bike and a half marathon run. In her usually calm manner, she set her goal to just complete the first one and ended up on the podium earning an awesome beer mug. She completed the grueling race in 5:37:47 for 4th place in the 25-29 age group.

Note the rocking pink socks!
KPav (Kristin) took the slightly easier route and entered the women's team competition.
They rocked the course in 5:22:08 to finish in 2nd place in the women's team division.
It was great to see the Pink Gals rocking the long distance triathlon.
Your Roving Race Reporter,
Below is Heather with her brother Rob in the yellow cap (TOMRAV pink guest rider) and as she shows off her medal and mug.